Family Tree
I am researching my family tree, using my grandchildren as the root
of the tree. They are too young to be interested in it now, but
hopefully when they are older, it might encourage them to continue
the work I have started. I know that I wish someone had taken the
time to start documenting our family history before so much was lost
If you are thinking about starting
your own tree, don't wait. Everyone I know who is researching their
ancestors wishes they had started earlier.
Family Tree on the Web
The Family Tree
button below will let you see our tree. I am looking for more
information regarding my grandchildren's ancestors and would
greatly appreciate any information you might have, please look on the 'Help Wanted' tab above for
people I am particularly interested in at the moment.
If you are related and would
like a copy of the tree in Gedcom format please send a comment
through the Contact tab above.